








开/关型(Open / Close Applications) (3-PH) Diagram Number Integral Starter Limit Switches Local Controls Position Feedback Additional Features M2CP-100 None 2-Train None None None M2CP-101 None 4-Train None None None M2CP-102 Yes 4-Train 3PB / 2L None None M2CP-103 Yes, with Aux Contacts 4-Train 3PB / 2L / SS Potentiometer Integral Circuit Breaker M2CP-104 Yes 4-Train 3PB / 2L / SS None CC. Circut Breaker, Monitor Relay M2CP-105 Yes 4-Train 3PB / 2L / SS None Phase Sentry M2CP-106 Yes 4 - Train 3PB / 2L / SS Potentiometer Interposing Relays M2CP-107 Yes 4-Train 3PB / 2L SS 4-20Ma Current Source M2CP-108 Yes, with Aux Contacts 4 - Train 3PB / 2L / SS Potentiometer None M2CP-109 Yes 4 - Train 3PB / 2L SS None None 开/关型(Open / Close Applications)(1- PH) Diagram Number Integral Starter Limit Switches Local Controls Position Feedback Additional Features M2CP-300 (P/Q/R) Yes 4-Train 3PB / 2L SS Potentiometer Overload Relays M2CP-301 (P/Q/R) Yes 4-Train 3PB / 2L SS None None M2CP-310 (Multi & MMG) Yes 4-Train 3PB / 2L SS Potentiometer Overload Relays M2CP-311 (Multi & MMG) Yes 4-Train 3PB / 2L SS None None 调节型(Modulating Applications)(3-PH) Diagram Number Integral Starter Limit Switches Local Controls Position Feedback Additional Features M2CP-200 Futronic II 4 - Train 3PB / 2L SS 4-20mA None M2CP-210 Futronic IV 4 - Train 3PB / 2L SS 4-20mA None 调节型(Modulating Applications)(1-PH) Diagram Number Integral Starter Limit Switches Local Controls Position Feedback Additional Features M2CP-400 Futronic II 4 - Train 3PB / 2L SS 4-20mA None M2CP-401 Futronic II 4 - Train 3PB / 2L SS 4-20mA None M2CP-410 Futronic III 4 - Train 3PB / 2L SS 4-20mA None 公司名称:武汉西博思工控设备有限公司 公司地址:武昌区中山路317号现代大厦(南座)9层8号 联系电话:027-63171168(13638629791) 邮编:430064 传真号码:027-59496338 公司网址:http://siposzhang.cn.alibaba.com 联系人:张先生 公司简介:本公司成立于2006年,位于中国重工业城市-武汉,是一家专营各类进口国产气动,液压,流体控制设备的贸易公司。本公司经销韩国、沙特、新加坡、印度、俄罗斯、美国、德国等国进口配件,并与国内南京、扬巴、上海金、北京等多家大型国企建立了长期稳定的供销关系,品种齐全、价格合理。公司年销售额过1亿元。本公司实力雄厚,重信用、守合同,保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。